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4701 Oleander Drive, Suite A
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577

Myrtle Beach Elder Law Attorney

Myrtle Beach Elder Law Attorney

Elder Law Attorney in Myrtle Beach, SC

Our probate and estate planning attorneys at Axelrod and Associates are prepared to assist our clients with a range of legal issues that affect the older population.

We provide a number of elder law services in SC that are tailored to suit each client’s unique needs such as:

Estate Planning:

We help our clients to craft estate plans that can include a variety of legal solutions that can be combined to achieve your goals.

You may only need a simple will that names an executor and beneficiaries. On the other hand, many clients require a more comprehensive plan that allows them to protect their assets for future generations, minimize tax consequences, and protect against creditors.

Financial Planning:

Our elder law clients often have specialized needs when it comes to financial planning – for example, we need to have a long-term care plan in place that preserves their eligibility for Medicaid or other government benefits.

We may need to communicate with state agencies or assist in preparing Medicaid applications. Through annuities, insurance, or creation of special trusts, we can ensure that your income stream remains stable over time or that any asset transfers that you make do not affect your Medicaid eligibility.

best elder law attorney myrtle beach sc

Asset Protection:

One important aspect of elder law is ensuring that your assets are protected from creditors and to minimize tax consequences of any transfers of property. We may need to ensure not only that your assets are protected for future generations but also that you are protected through your golden years.

Trust Administration:

We can utilize a variety of trusts to accomplish your goals, preserve your assets, and transfer assets either during probate or by avoiding probate altogether. In some cases, trusts can protect your assets from tax liability and creditors. The creation of spendthrift trusts can even protect your assets from poor choices on the part of your beneficiaries.

Guardianships and Conservatorships:

Often, a guardian will need to be appointed to make personal decisions on a person’s behalf. Sometimes a conservator is necessary to make financial decisions and manage a client’s financial affairs. In other cases, a client may seek our help in getting appointed as guardian or conservator.

Probate Administration and Litigation

Your SC elder law attorney at Axelrod and Associates will help you to navigate the confusing process of probate administration and any associated litigation. We can assist in collecting debts owed to the estate, negotiating with or defending against creditors, filing any lawsuits on behalf of the estate, and resolving any disputes that arise during probate.


Your Myrtle Beach elder law attorney at Axelrod and Associates understands the unique legal challenges that our elderly clients face. If you are ready to craft an estate plan, execute a simple will, or if you need a SC elder law attorney to assist with the probate process, call today at 843-916-9300 or complete our contact form to set up an initial consultation.

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