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4701 Oleander Drive, Suite A
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577

Myrtle Beach Robbery and Burglary Lawyer

Myrtle Beach Robbery and Burglary Lawyer

Robbery and Burglary Attorneys in Myrtle Beach, SC

Robbery is statutorily defined in South Carolina as “the felonious or unlawful taking of money, goods, or other personal property of any value from the person of another or in his presence by violence or by putting such person in fear.” If you are found, charged and convicted of the crime of robbery, you will face prison time of a term not less than 10 years and for no more than 30 years. A person convicted of robbery is not eligible for parole until he has served at least seven years of the sentence.

Burglary, while similar to robbery, differentiates from robbery in the aspect that it involves breaking and entering a dwelling. A dwelling is defined by South Carolina statute as the living quarters of a building which is normally used for sleeping, living or lodging by a person. While there are varying degrees of burglary at law, if you are found, charged and convicted of the crime of burglary in the first degree, you will face prison time of a term not less than 15 years and your sentence could be life.

best robbery and burglary lawyer myrtle beach sc

The above-mentioned crimes are felonies and as such the penalty may be life. Every criminal defendant is entitled to a defense attorney if they so wish. People make mistakes, and it is possible that the wrong man may face robbery charges because the victim is mistaken about his identity. It is also possible that the suspect was acting under duress or under the authority of another. Your involvement in a crime may be justified or excused at law. Don’t sleep on your legal rights; contact us today at Axelrod & Associates, P.A. Our attorneys are experienced at handling criminal matters and we understand what your rights and protections are.


Your defense against robbery and burglary charges begins now. Call 843-916-9300 or complete our contact form for a free initial consultation. We have offices in Myrtle Beach, Rock Hill and Little River.

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