4701 Oleander Drive, Suite A
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
4701 Oleander Drive, Suite A
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
Denzel Heyward’s convictions for attempted murder, armed robbery, and possession of a weapon during a crime of violence were reversed this month because the prosecutor in his trial insisted on telling the jury about unrelated domestic violence allegations against him. Heyward was acquitted of a…
You’ve created a song you absolutely love and cannot wait to share it with the world. However, before you upload it to Soundcloud or release a video on YouTube, it’s important to know just how protected you are as a creator. Here are a few…
Intellectual property rights protect intangible property. Your ideas, inventions, musical creations, films, or artwork belong to you just as a physical object like your car may belong to you. If someone hotwires your car late one night and steals it, law enforcement can track down…
Online doctor visits have quickly become commonplace in the United States, and South Carolina is keeping pace. As just one example, earlier this year the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) partnered with Darlington County Schools, to the northwest of Florence, to bring online medical…
The death of a loved one (let’s assume a parent) often leaves you with serious responsibilities. It can help to know you’re doing the right thing on their behalf. The legal process of ensuring your parent’s assets go where they should is called probate. Probate…
Myrtle Beach Bike Week 2019 is here – including the Myrtle Beach Harley Davidson Spring Rally that begins this weekend and the Atlantic Beach Bikefest, now called the Black Pearl Cultural Heritage and Bike Festival, which begins on Memorial Day Weekend. Both events will be…
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