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Category Archives: Marijuana Defense

Marijuana Defense
Is Medical Necessity a Defense to Marijuana Charges in SC?
Axelrod & Associates, P.A.

Is Medical Necessity a Defense to Marijuana Charges in SC?

Can you argue medical necessity if you are charged with marijuana possession or manufacturing in South Carolina? You smoke marijuana because it is your medicine, for seizures, headaches, insomnia, panic attacks, or even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). You need it, and, from where you sit,…

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Will smoking pot affect my divorce in sc?
Axelrod & Associates, P.A.

Will smoking pot affect my divorce in sc?

It can – marijuana is still 100% illegal in SC. Even if it were legal and you were a marijuana cardholder, it could still affect your divorce proceedings. In this article, we will look at a few of the ways that smoking pot can affect…

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Can medical marijuana users purchase or possess guns in sc?
Axelrod & Associates, P.A.

Can medical marijuana users purchase or possess guns in sc?

Can you purchase or possess a gun in SC if you are a medical marijuana cardholder or if you use marijuana? Although it is uncommon for a person to be prosecuted solely because they possess or attempt to purchase a firearm while holding a medical…

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How are prior drug convictions counted for purposes of sentencing in sc?
Axelrod & Associates, P.A.

How are prior drug convictions counted for purposes of sentencing in sc?

How are prior drug convictions counted in SC? If you are charged with a drug crime, how do you know if it is your first, second, third, or subsequent offense? Looking at some other SC attorney websites, I see several that say any drug crime…

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Is the smell of marijuana probable cause to search a car in sc?
Axelrod & Associates, P.A.

Is the smell of marijuana probable cause to search a car in sc?

Spoiler alert: The smell of marijuana is probable cause to search a car in SC. For now. Even if the drug dog doesn’t smell marijuana, and even though smokable hemp is absolutely legal in our state. When an observation (smell) may indicate either 1) illegal…

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Cops or robbers? the sc supreme court’s moratorium on no-knock warrants should be permanent
Axelrod & Associates, P.A.

Cops or robbers? the sc supreme court’s moratorium on no-knock warrants should be permanent

Earlier this month, the South Carolina Supreme Court issued a moratorium on no-knock warrants – it’s temporary, however, until South Carolina’s judges receive additional training on when they are allowed to issue no-knock warrants under US Supreme Court precedent. Although they are constitutional under certain…

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Sc has the nation’s second-highest arrest rate for marijuana possession
Axelrod & Associates, P.A.

Sc has the nation’s second-highest arrest rate for marijuana possession

The most recent data from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting system shows that arrests in SC for marijuana possession are have steadily increased since 2010, with SC having the second-highest arrest rate for marijuana possession in 2018, the latest year for which data is available.…

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Hemp farmer arrested for growing hemp gets injunction in marion county
Axelrod & Associates, P.A.

Hemp farmer arrested for growing hemp gets injunction in marion county

A SC hemp farmer arrested earlier this year – who was charged with a crime for growing hemp although he had submitted his application – has gotten an injunction from a Marion County court allowing him to sell his crop until the underlying case is…

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Is smokable hemp legal in south carolina?
Axelrod & Associates, P.A.

Is smokable hemp legal in south carolina?

It doesn’t get you high, it doesn’t contain more than .3% THC, but you should still get the benefits of the CBD that it contains. It makes sense, for some people, to smoke it rather than take pills or eat brownies… Hemp is now legal…

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Can a drug conviction be expunged in sc?
Axelrod & Associates, P.A.

Can a drug conviction be expunged in sc?

If you have a first-offense drug conviction in SC, your Myrtle Beach expungement attorney at Axelrod and Associates may be able to help you erase it from your record. The types of offenses that can be expunged in SC are limited but include first-offense minor…

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