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Category Archives: Social Security Disability (SSD)

Social Security Disability (SSD)
If I Go Back to Work, Will I Lose My Social Security Disability Benefits?
Axelrod & Associates, P.A.

If I Go Back to Work, Will I Lose My Social Security Disability Benefits?

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has back to work programs and back to work incentives that allow you to attempt to get back to work without losing your Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits. Below, we will discuss the rules for SSD “back to work” programs,…

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How to Qualify for Social Security Disability – Blue Book – Impairment Listing Manual
Axelrod & Associates, P.A.

How to Qualify for Social Security Disability – Blue Book – Impairment Listing Manual

How do you qualify for Social Security Disability? You might think that anyone with a limiting medical condition would qualify for Social Security Disability benefits, but this isn’t necessarily true. You qualify for disability payments if the Social Security Administration (SSA) says that your disability…

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How Do I Apply for Social Security Disability in South Carolina?
Axelrod & Associates, P.A.

How Do I Apply for Social Security Disability in South Carolina?

How do you apply for Social Security Disability benefits in South Carolina? If you get sick or injured and you're unable to work, the bill collectors don't care. You still have to pay your mortgage or rent, and your family still has to eat... For…

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Why does the government stop paying ssd benefits?
Axelrod & Associates, P.A.

Why does the government stop paying ssd benefits?

Workers who receive Social Security disability (SSD) benefits usually understand that these much-needed government payments only last for a limited time. Under certain circumstances, the Social Security Administration (SSA) will no longer provide these benefits. In 2020, nearly 893,000 disabled workers had their SSD benefits…

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Ssd benefits for surviving spouses
Axelrod & Associates, P.A.

Ssd benefits for surviving spouses

Social Security Disability Insurance provides benefits for people who worked but are no longer able to. SSD benefits are designed to help disabled workers and their families. There are thousands of people in South Carolina who rely on SSD benefits to help them support their…

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Knowing how much you get in social security disability benefits
Axelrod & Associates, P.A.

Knowing how much you get in social security disability benefits

For decades, you have relied on that bi-weekly paycheck to support your family. Food, shelter, insurance along with health care comprise a good chunk of your expenses. They must be paid as you take care of your spouse and children. However, you face a personal…

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How do i get the covid-19 stimulus check if i am on social security?
Axelrod & Associates, P.A.

How do i get the covid-19 stimulus check if i am on social security?

For most people who have direct deposit set up for their tax returns, they have received or will receive a COVID-19 stimulus check directly in their bank account – you don’t need to do anything except wait for the Treasury Department to deposit the funds.…

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How to appeal a denied social security claim
Axelrod & Associates, P.A.

How to appeal a denied social security claim

Going through a catastrophic accident that leaves you partially or completely disabled is an extremely difficult situation to overcome. There will likely be changes that affect your ability to perform daily tasks. You also might not be able to continue working. This could have a…

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Does ssdi cover mental-health issues?
Axelrod & Associates, P.A.

Does ssdi cover mental-health issues?

We all pay into federal payroll taxes each check with the comfort of knowing that if we’re ever injured or otherwise disabled we have a social safety net on which to rely. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a government program designed to provide income…

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Social security survivor benefits can offset income lost by death
Axelrod & Associates, P.A.

Social security survivor benefits can offset income lost by death

The loss of a spouse can be emotionally and financially devastating. While nothing can bring back a loved one, Social Security survivor benefits can help some spouses ease the loss of income caused by a loved one’s passing. Do you qualify? As a widow or…

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