4701 Oleander Drive, Suite A
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
4701 Oleander Drive, Suite A
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
Any auto accident can be traumatic – property damage, hospitals and doctor visits, lost time from work, and the stress of trying to get compensation for the accident are just a few of the problems that an auto accident victim must deal with. When you…
If your loved one has passed and you are now the executor of their estate, you may be feeling overwhelmed and you may have lots of questions. Do you need to file documents with the probate court? Is it even necessary to go through probate?…
In State v. Washington, the SC Court of Appeals reversed a burglary first-degree conviction because the trial court allowed the prosecutor to play audio of an interrogation – including hearsay statements made by the investigator. What is hearsay, and why aren’t an officer’s statements during…
Everyone knows that a “will” is the document that says who gets your property after your death – but what is a “simple will?” “Simple will” is not a legal term – it’s just a way of saying that you do not have a complex…
Will the court order your spouse to pay your attorney fees in a SC divorce or other family court case? What if the divorce was their fault? In some cases, the family court can order payment of attorney fees, but it is not automatic – you must…
What is “music law?” If you are a musician, you probably want to get paying gigs, record your music, and make a profit from your performances and recordings. What you may not have considered is that every step of the process involves other people or…
Are there situations where an on-the-job injury is not covered by workers’ compensation in SC? You may think that if you are injured on the job you are automatically covered by workers’ compensation insurance, but there are many situations where your injury will not be covered. For…
What does “hand of one is the hand of all” mean? It’s a concept that is often misunderstood, sometimes even by attorneys and judges. It’s a dangerous concept that can result in a person being convicted of a serious crime when they – technically –…
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