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4701 Oleander Drive, Suite A
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577


Axelrod & Associates, P.A.

Three people were injured and hospitalized after a head-on collision Sunday afternoon, according to Horry County Fire and Rescue.

One person was trapped inside a vehicle and was in critical condition after being freed by rescuers. Two others suffered significant injuries in the accident, which happened on Old Reaves Ferry Road and Bear Bluff Road in Conway.

Head-on collisions are one of the most dangerous kinds of car crashes – they makeup only 2 percent of auto accidents but account for more than 10 percent of highway deaths.


In a way, it’s surprising that head-on crashes even occur. I mean, why would someone be driving down the road the wrong way?

There are several ways this could happen. Someone has a heart attack in the United States every 43 seconds. So, it’s not surprising that some of them are driving when it happens. Other drivers suffer seizures, or blood-sugar crashes, or pass out behind the wheel because of other medical conditions, and then they veer into the wrong lane.

While tragic, most people find this kind of situation forgivable. But some drivers who cause head-on collisions don’t get much sympathy – like the ones who veered into the other lane because they were sending a text message, surfing the Internet on their phone, or because they were drunk.

Still, even if one driver veers into the wrong lane, why wouldn’t the other driver just swerve and get out of the way? Sometimes, it just happens too fast. Other times, the driver who is aware of what’s happening has no good options – if they swerve, they will hit another vehicle, or a tree, or a building, or a pedestrian.

More Traffic Means More Accidents of All Kinds

As spring settles in, traffic will increase dramatically in the Myrtle Beach area. Tourists will file in, bumper-to-bumper. High school kids will be out of school and cruising. Motorcyclists will roar into town to bask in the Southern sun. And, with more traffic, there will inevitably be more accidents.

Other common types of auto accidents that we see include:

  • Broadside collisions: This kind of crash is often called a “T-Bone.” The front or rear of one vehicle crashes into the side of another, most commonly as a result of failure to yield. The severity of these crashes depends on exactly what part of the side of the car is struck, but they often result in serious damage and injuries.
  • Rear-end collisions: The front of one vehicle hits the back of another. Injuries are usually worse for the occupants of the car that is struck and often involve whiplash.
  • Rollover accidents: One vehicle flips onto its side or roof. These crashes are often caused by sharp turns and high speeds. SUVs and vans are most at risk because of their higher center of gravity. These are perhaps the most dangerous accidents, after head-on collisions.
  • Sideswipe collisions: This kind of accident usually happens when two cars are traveling parallel to each other and swipe or graze each other. Drivers often manage to maintain control, and injuries are less likely than with other kinds of accidents.

The law requires that all drivers use reasonable care to avoid hurting others. If you have been injured in a car accident because of another driver’s negligence, contact your SC personal injury attorney immediately. We will help you recover damages for whatever medical costs the injury leaves you with, as well as future medical costs, pain and suffering, lost earnings, and possibly punitive damages.


If you’ve been involved in a car accident in SC, your Myrtle Beach auto accident lawyer on the Axelrod team can help you to recover maximum compensation from the at-fault party. Call today at 843-353-3449 or fill out our contact form to set up a free initial consultation about your case.

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