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Axelrod & Associates, P.A.

Most people expect to lose some privacy when they get married. It’s difficult to keep secrets from someone you share a home and a bed with, and spouses tend to share their most intimate fears and desires with each other.

But, getting married shouldn’t mean giving up your privacy, even if the relationship turns sour. If you suspect that your spouse is spying on you, you need to protect yourself.

On the other hand, your divorce attorney at Axelrod and Associates can help you to retain the right private investigator to get the information we need about your spouse to help in your SC divorce case or SC child custody proceedings


Some people spy because they want control – they want to know who their spouse hangs out with and when, where they spend money, or whether they really work late every Thursday night.

Some people start spying because they think their spouse is cheating. And sometimes the spy is the one cheating – the reason they’re snooping is to find out how much their spouse knows and prevent them from learning more.

Perhaps the most common reason that people spy on their spouses is to gain an advantage in divorce proceedings. This kind of spying can really hurt you.

If your spouse finds photos of you using drugs or drinking heavily, they could be used against in a child custody case. If they can show that you’ve made big purchases, it could affect the way your assets are divided or hurt your chances of getting alimony.

How Can I Protect Myself from A Snooping Spouse?

Our electronic devices carry tremendous amounts of private information. When spouses start spying, cell phones, tablets, and laptops are usually the first targets.

Here are some steps you can take to protect your devices from a spying spouse:

  • Change your passwords: If you’re worried about a spying spouse, take care not to open sensitive emails when they’re around – it’s neither difficult nor illegal to read over your shoulder. If you suspect that your spouse is logging into your accounts secretly, change your passwords.
  • Protect your phone: If you suspect that your spouse has installed spyware on your phone, back up all your important documents and photos and do a factory reset. However, there are spying apps that do not have to be installed on the target device, so you may want to consider taking your phone to a professional just to make sure.
  • Stop using social media accounts: The surest solution to social media spying is: Don’t post anything. It sounds extreme, but divorce attorneys say that Facebook posts are now the single most important source of evidence in divorce cases. During a divorce case, even if your spouse doesn’t snoop on your social media accounts, their divorce attorney probably will. Social media sites are treasure troves of information (evidence) about you – where you go, who you go with, how you interact with people, and what kind of lifestyle you have. There’s no reason to give your snooping spouse – or their attorney – that kind of ammunition.
  • Protect hard copies of private documents: Don’t forget about the old-fashioned paper trail. If you have private documents that you don’t want a spying spouse to see, hide them or lock them away from your spouse – but remember that, although you can hide them from your spouse, you cannot destroy documents that you may be required to produce in court.


If you are headed for a separation or divorce, your Myrtle Beach divorce lawyer on the Axelrod team can help you by either: 1) Helping you to protect your information and assets from your spouse; or 2) Retaining a private investigator to help collect information about your spouse that you will need in court.

If you are thinking about divorce or separation from your spouse, call Axelrod and Associates today at 843-353-3449 or fill out our contact form to set up a consultation.

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