4701 Oleander Drive, Suite A
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
4701 Oleander Drive, Suite A
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
SC roads are more dangerous than ever for motorcyclists – our state reported the highest number of motorcycle fatalities since 1980 – 154 deaths – in 2021.
This was 9% higher than the number of motorcycle fatalities in SC in 2020, a significant increase.
What are some of the more common causes of motorcycle crashes, and what should you do if you are involved in a motorcycle accident that was caused by someone else’s negligence?
What are some of the more common causes of motorcycle crashes?
Many crashes are at least partially the fault of the motorcyclist and could have been avoided, including when the motorcyclist makes mistakes like:
Many motorcycle fatalities are caused by other motorists who are careless, reckless, and inconsiderate of the motorcycles, bicycles, and pedestrians with whom they share the road. Some of the more common causes of motorcycle crashes include:
Are motorcycles inherently dangerous?
Well, yes. Obviously, if you are in a collision, you are much more likely to suffer severe injury or death than if you were driving an SUV. That doesn’t absolve another driver of liability if they cause you to crash, though.
The driver who causes the collision is responsible for all damage that they caused. Whether the injured party is on a motorcycle, in a car, in a tank, or walking down the street, when a driver injures them through their negligence, they are liable.
In SC, it is not considered assumption of the risk or comparative negligence to ride a motorcycle. It is also not assumption of the risk or comparative negligence to not wear a helmet if you are 21 or older.
If an insurance agent tells you that your case is worth less money because you were riding a motorcycle or because you did not have a helmet on, they are lying. As a matter of law, riding a motorcycle or not wearing a helmet is not assumption of the risk or comparative negligence, and the insurance company will not be permitted to make that argument in court.
If a careless driver causes you to crash on your motorcycle, you are entitled to recover damages including your current and future medical expenses, pain and suffering, property damage, vocational rehab, long-term care when needed, compensation for scars or disfigurement, lost wages and future lost earning potential, mental anguish and emotional distress, and punitive damages in some cases.
If you are in a motorcycle accident caused by someone else’s negligence:
The Myrtle Beach motorcycle crash lawyers at Axelrod and Associates help motorcycle crash victims and their families to recover full and fair compensation from careless drivers who injure or kill motorcyclists on SC’s highways.
Call now at 843-916-9300 or fill out our contact form to set up a free initial consultation with an attorney on the Axelrod team.
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