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4701 Oleander Drive, Suite A
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577


Axelrod & Associates, P.A.

With many fireworks shows getting delayed or canceled, more people are looking for ways to celebrate summer with their own fireworks. There is a long list of legal fireworks in South Carolina, but many still enjoy the simplicity of sparklers.

Perhaps because of their small size, sparklers are often underestimated when it comes to safety precautions. Despite their size, sparklers can still be dangerous if you are not careful.

Here are some tips to keep your celebrations safe.

No kids allowed

There may be countless videos and pictures of children holding sparklers in their red, white and blue outfits. Giving a young child a sparkler, however, is a recipe for danger.

Small children cannot appreciate the danger that comes with holding something on fire and giving off sparks. Even with adult supervision, children are at risk of hurting themselves and others with sparklers.

One at a time, please

To double the fun, it might be tempting to grab another sparkler to wave around. Sparklers are meant to be used one at a time. You should never light or hold more than one at a time.

Dress for the occasion

Fourth of July festivities in South Carolina often means enduring hot and humid weather. Loose clothing and sandals, can make sparklers dangerous. Always wear closed-toed shoes and avoid clothing and hairstyles that could catch fire while holding a sparkler.

Sparklers can be a fun part of your celebration, but remember, they burn very hot. Sparklers burn at approximately 1,800˚F, so severe injuries can happen fast.

The rules may vary

South Carolina has broad rules regarding fireworks, but you may need to look up the specific rules for where you will use your fireworks. Different counties, towns and homeowners’ associations (HOAs) have rules about how late you can light fireworks or if you can use them at all.

It is possible to be responsible while using fireworks this summer. Before you purchase fireworks, prepare for safety and look up the rules for your area.

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